Meet the team.
Alexander Chang
Co-Founder, AI/ML & Systems Integration
Alex Chang graduated from Ryerson University with a BEng and MEng in Aerospace Engineering. Alex also completed an undergraduate thesis on ‘A mathematical model for predicting the flight performance of single and multi-stage rockets’.
Alex currently works at Scatr, a startup focused on building drug-detection devices to reduce overdose incidents. Currently, he is responsible for developing machine learning models for the detection of trace substances, integration of hardware systems, and optimizing manufacturing processes.
Prior to Scatr, Alex worked at MDA Space as a Space Systems Design Engineer on the Canadarm3 for NASA’s Lunar Gateway Program. Alex developed system and subsystem level requirements and test plans for both flight and ground teams. Alex also previously worked at Paterson Composites as a Composite Technician, and manufactured carbon-fiber components for defense contracts and high-performance cars.
During his academic career, Alex was the Co-Captain of the Ryerson Rocketry Club alongside Soham, leading the design, construction, and launch of supersonic sounding rockets (reaching speeds of Mach 1.7 and altitudes of 30,000 ft.) at Spaceport America in New Mexico.
Soham Trivedi
Co-Founder, Sensors & Flight Hardware
Soham Trivedi graduated from Ryerson University with a BEng and MASc in Aerospace Engineering. Soham’s Master’s thesis was on the ‘System Design of an Autonomous Friction-free Test Bed For On-Orbit Proximity Operations’.
Soham currently works at Telesat as a Systems Design & Modelling Engineer, where he models the communications and radio-frequency systems for satellites in Low-Earth Orbit (LEO). Soham previously interned at the Asteroid Mining Corporation as a Spacecraft Propulsion Intern, using STK to develop the early stages of the mission. He also worked at Airbus United Kingdom Commercial as a Project Engineering Intern on the Airbus A320 aircraft, responsible for the quality control of aircraft spars, project management, and LEAN management.
Soham also Co-Captained the Ryerson Rocketry club with Alex, handling the administrative tasks, led the design of the recovery systems, and led the launch operations for the team at Spaceport America in New Mexico.
Mohamed Jundi
Co-Founder, GNC (Guidance, Navigation, & Controls)
Mohamed Jundi graduated from Ryerson University with a BEng and MASc in Aerospace Engineering, and currently works at MDA space as a Guidance, Navigation, and Controls Engineer.
Mohamed has worked on a wide variety of projects including inverse kinematics on the Candarm3 program for NASA’s Lunar Gateway Mission, autonomous navigation software for NASA’s new Lunar Rover, and computer vision AI models and dataset generation.
Mohamed’s Master’s thesis is on ‘Spacecraft Orbit Trajectory Optimization and Control’, where he developed a pseudospectral optimal control algorithm to optimize spacecraft orbit transfers. Mohamed also developed a numerical integrator for accurate flight trajectory propagation.
Mohamed previously interned at Bombardier Aerospace as a preflight Methods Engineering Intern, and was also the aerodynamics lead for the Ryerson Rocketry Club, where he designed and developed CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic) models for drag calculations and flight performance.
Ahmad Ziad Zain Aldeen
Structural Design & Flight Hardware
Ahmad is currently a MaSc student at Ryerson University, completing his thesis on the implementation of Custom Control Allocation in PX4 for Thrust Vectoring Quadcopters. Ahmad also has a B.Eng in Aerospace and minor in Computer Science from Ryerson University.
Ahmad was also the Team Captain of the Ryerson Rocketry Club after Alex. During his time as Team Captain, Ahmad continued to lead the development of both single and multi-stage supersonic rockets which were launched at Launch Canada and Spaceport America.
Douglas Chang
Front-End and Data Developer (Part-Time)
Douglas completed his BASc in Nanotechnology Engineering from the University of Waterloo, and currently works full-time for Dyno Therapeutics (an AI gene therapy company) in Boston as a Software Engineer.
Douglas currently develops ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) frameworks, cloud infrastructure, and user interface for the lab teams at Dyno Therapeutics. Douglas also previously completed internships at Wanilah Advisors and Pointus Partners as a Junior Algorithmic Trader where he developed datasets for training machine learning models.