MAAV-1 Block 0
Medium Altitude Autonomous Vehicle
Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) are an ever-increasing threat abroad and at home. The current conflicts in the Middle East and Eastern Europe showed the world how cheap commercial-grade drones can be turned into intelligence or offensive assets.
MAAV-1 is the next-generation of counter-UAS systems, leveraging machine learning and artificial intelligence to automate the entire killchain once a target is identified, thus removing the need for dedicated drone operators.
Concept of Operations
Target is identified from the ground station and coordinates are relayed to MAAV-1.
MAAV-1’s Automated Flight Guidance System (AFGS) computes a flight path, automatically takes off vertically, and navigates to the target’s last known location and searches the area.
On approach to the target, the Automated Fire Control System (AFCS) works alongside the AFGS to make fine adjustments in its position and fires the shotgun once it is in range.
The AFGS will navigate MAAV-1 to any additional coordinates that have been uploaded and also engage the targets via the AFCS.
When all targets are neutralized, or in the event of an emergency, the AFGS will autonomously guide MAAV-1 back to its takeoff position and land.
MAAV-1 is automatically safed, and will notify the ground station should refuelling and rearming be required.
Hardware Features
Twin P220 RXi engines provides a combined 440 N of thrust and max speeds of up to Mach 0.45 (approx. 555km/h, 345 mph).
Maximum payload capacity of 3 kg allowing for future expansion and modification.
Unlike electric powered UAS, jet engines provide optimal performance in almost any climate.
Designed to utilize 12 gauge shells and featuring an 8 round magazine tube, this allows MAAV-1 to deal with small swarms on its own.
Shotshells are cheap, readily available, and provide increased hit probability due to its spread and cone of fire.
Features a lightweight, modular carbon structure, allowing for easy access to internals for maintenance in the field.
Built with expansion in mind. The modular nature allows for various payloads to be installed down the line.
Forward-facing thermal imaging sensor allows for detection of targets at close proximity even in dark or low visibility environments.
The optical cameras provides an additional layer of positive target identification, along with a method for operators to observe the mission.
Instead of traditional thrust-vectoring on nozzles, MAAV-1 utilises EDF’s (Electric Ducted Fans) mounted to the airframe which provides fine adjustments in the xy plane
Automated Flight Guidance System (AFGS)
The AFGS is responsible for maintaining stable flight, automated launch and landing, and navigating MAAV-1 into the proximity of the target.
Once MAAV-1 reaches its target, a command gets sent to activate the AFCS (Automated Fire Control System) to provide the firing solution.
The AFGS is also responsible for ensuring MAAV-1 stays clear of hazards, which is achieved via reinforcement learning models.
Automated Fire Control System (AFCS)
The AFCS is responsible for automatically acquiring the target once it is within the Field of View (FOV), estimating distance to target, and triggering the shotgun once it determines the target is within its cone of fire.
By leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning, the AFCS will be trained on synthetic images/videos of various shoot/no-shoot targets. Modern game engines such Unreal Engine 5 can provide photorealistic renders and simulations, removing the need for expensive live footage.
Target is in range but outside of cone of fire, AFCS does not engage.
Target is in range and in cone of fire, AFCS engages.
Target out of range but in cone of fire, AFCS does not engage.
Low cost per intercept.
Current anti-air systems are not designed for medium/small/micro UAS. Comparing the cost per use of existing systems (not including upfront hardware acquisition costs), MAAV-1 surpasses all its competitors due to its ability to land and re-arm, and the low cost of shotgun ammunition, with an estimated cost per use of under $100 USD.
(*) Disposable counter-UAS solution, typically a missile
(**) Estimated for 500 rounds of ammunition @ 30 USD a round
Low cost parity with threats.
Existing solutions often cost many times more than the targets that they are trying to destroy. Unlike these expensive systems, MAAV-1 is designed to match the affordability of enemy drones, ensuring a sustainable and scalable countermeasure. Additionally, its reusability further drives down long-term costs, making it a far more economical choice.
Technical Specifications
Wingspan: 1 m (~ 39.7”)
Dry Mass: 15.2 kg (34 lbs)
Wet Mass: 22.2 kg (49 lbs)
Maximum Payload Mass: 3 kg (6.6 lbs)
Length: 1.6 m (64.5”)
Top Speed: Mach 0.45 (~ 555km/h, 345 mph)
Max. Flight Time at Max. Throttle: 9 Minutes
Max. Flight Time at SLF (Steady Level Flight): 40 Minutes
Operational Radius: 20 km (12.4 mi)
Service Ceiling: 5km (16000 ft) ASL
Maximum Operable Temperature: 60° C (140° F)
Minimum Operable Temperature: -20° C (-4° F)